Map/Georgia/Union City

Union City personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $39,805

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings

Union City

Union City, GA, situated in Fulton County, is a charming suburb of Atlanta known for its diverse community and growing economy. Established in 1908, it covers 19.6 square miles and has a population of around 22,000. The city boasts a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial developments and provides residents with a variety of recreational facilities including parks and a community center. Notable for its film production facilities, Union City has been a location for various movie and TV projects. The city prioritizes development while maintaining green spaces and fostering a sense of community.

incentives available in Union City for...
energy icon


Union City, GA has made strides toward energy efficiency, adopting various measures such as implementing LED street lighting to reduce electricity consumption and costs. Several local businesses have participated in energy audits, incentivized by the city's partnerships with energy services, to optimize energy usage in commercial spaces. Residential programs have been introduced offering rebates for energy-efficient appliances and home improvements. Union City's efforts extend to municipal buildings where solar panels have been installed to supplement energy needs with renewable sources. The Solarize Union City program has encouraged a community-wide transition to solar power through group purchasing and educational workshops. The city's comprehensive plan also includes strategies for reducing overall energy consumption and increasing the proportion of energy sourced from renewables. Investments in smart grid technology are planned to further improve energy distribution and efficiency. Union City actively promotes Energy Star certifications and supports local businesses in achieving these standards as well as encouraging the development of green buildings through incentives for sustainable construction practices.

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Water conservation is a priority in Union City, with multiple initiatives designed to conserve this vital resource. The city has implemented a tiered water pricing structure to incentivize lower water usage. Leak detection programs help quickly identify and repair leaks in the city's water distribution system, preventing water loss. Rebates are offered to residents who install water-efficient fixtures and appliances. Union City's stormwater management system is designed to minimize runoff and promote groundwater recharge. Rain barrel distribution events encourage residents to collect and use rainwater for irrigation. In addition, the city has invested in infrastructure to recycle wastewater for non-potable uses such as irrigation and industrial processes. Educational outreach programs aim to inform the public about water conservation techniques and the importance of protecting the watershed. The city collaborates with regional water authorities to ensure a sustainable water supply and to implement best practices in water management. Periodic water quality reports demonstrate Union City's commitment to maintaining clean and safe water for its residents.

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Transportation efficiency in Union City is an evolving sector aimed at reducing emissions and improving connectivity. The city has expanded public transit options, including bus services that are integrated with regional transit systems, making it easier for residents to commute without using personal vehicles. Bicycle lanes and pedestrian pathways have been developed to encourage non-motorized transport, promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing traffic congestion. Mobility incentives such as fare discounts for students, seniors, and low-income residents improve transit accessibility and encourage usage. To support electric vehicle adoption, Union City has installed several EV charging stations around the city and offers incentives for EV purchases. Ride-sharing programs are encouraged, with dedicated carpool parking areas in place. The city's transportation plan includes a focus on traffic flow optimization, leveraging smart traffic management systems to reduce idling and improve fuel efficiency. Union City is also exploring the use of alternative fuels for city-operated vehicles as a step towards a more sustainable transportation system.

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Union City's waste management focuses on reducing landfill use through increased recycling and composting initiatives. The curbside recycling program accepts a wide range of materials, and the city has implemented a single-stream recycling system to simplify the process for residents. Special waste collection events are held to dispose of hazardous materials safely. Union City has established a municipal composting facility that converts yard waste and acceptable food scraps into compost, available for community use. To minimize construction and demolition waste, the city encourages deconstruction and the reuse of materials. Local businesses receive support for adopting waste reduction practices, and the city is actively exploring partnerships with waste-to-energy facilities to convert non-recyclable waste into energy. Educational programs in schools and community centers raise awareness about the importance of waste reduction and proper sorting for recycling. The city has also invested in state-of-the-art waste collection and sorting technology to maximize recovery of recyclables and to manage waste more efficiently.